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‘Atiqot 50 (2005) EISSN 2948-040X
  • Front Matter
    Atiqot 50
    Keywords: Front Matter
  • A Middle Bronze Age Burial Cave at Tur‘an (pp. 1–17)
    Lilly Gershuny and Emanuel Eisenberg
    Keywords: Lower Galilee, cemetery, Intermediate Bronze Age, archaeozoology, physical anthropology, typology
  • The Hebrew Ostraca from Site 94/21, Cave A-2, at Ramat Bet Shemesh (pp. 19–25)
    Ianir Milevski (with a contribution by Joseph Naveh)
    Keywords: Shephelah, epigraphy, agriculture, Judahite monarchy, olive oil, wine production
  • A Burial Cave with a Greek Inscription and Graffiti at Khirbat el-‘Ein, Judean Shephelah (pp. 27–36)
    Boaz Zissu
    Keywords: necropolis, cemetery, Roman period, epigraphy
  • Gamla 1997–2000 (pp. 37–71)
    Danny Syon and Zvi Yavor (with a contribution by Nimrod Getzov)
    Keywords: Golan, synagogue, Roman architecture, Second Temple period, numismatics, ethnicity
  • Salvage Excavations in the Modi‘in Landscape (pp. 73–97)

    Amir Golani
    Keywords: Buchman Compound, agriculture, viticulture, cultivation, terraces, watchtower, road, stone vessel
  • Textiles, Basketry, Cordage and Whorls from Mo’a (Moje Awad) (pp. 99–152)
    Orit Shamir
    Keywords: spindle whorls, technology, weaving, imports, commerce
  • Hellenistic and Crusader Remains at Montmusard, Acre (‘Akko) (pp. 153–179)
    Fanny Vitto
    Keywords: coast, Acre bowls, Ottoman, tobacco pipe, metal, glass
    • Stamped Amphora Handles and Unstamped Amphora Fragments from Acre (‘Akko) (pp. 181–193)
      Donald T. Ariel
      Keywords: coast, imports, typology, script, epigraphy
  • Khan Gesher (Jisr el-Majami‘) (pp. 195–207)
    Abdullah Mokary and Zvi Gal
    Keywords: Jordan River, Islamic periods, medieval period
    • Khan Gesher: The Coins (pp. 209–216)
      Ariel Berman
      Keywords: Jordan River, Islamic periods, medieval period, numismatics
    • Khan Gesher: Epitaph of a Muslim (pp. 217–218)
      Moshe Sharon
      Keywords: Jordan River, Islamic periods, medieval period, Arabic, epigraphy
  • Conservation of the Ancient Boat from the Sea of Galilee (pp. 219–232)
    Orna Cohen
    Keywords: Galilee, sea, Kibbutz Ginnosar, technology, chemistry
  • Identification of the Wood in the Ancient Boat from the Sea of Galilee (pp. 233–236)
    Ella Werker
    Keywords: Galilee, sea, Kibbutz Ginnosar, technology, botanics
  • Survey of Ancient Agricultural Systems at the ‘En Gedi Oasis (Hebrew, pp. 1*–20*; English summary, pp. 237–239)
    Yosef Porath
    Keywords: agriculture pools, water systems, economy, technology