‘Atiqot is an open access, non-profit thematic journal dedicated to specific topics related to the archaeology of Israel. It is published by the Israel Antiquities Authority four times a year, online and in print. All content published in the journal is subject to double-blind peer-review (see Double Peer-Review, below) and language editing. The printed volumes are available for purchase via the IAA website.
Aims and Scope
The archaeological data published in ‘Atiqot covers a broad chronological time span, from prehistory up to the Ottoman period, within a specific geographical area, the Land of Israel. The journal presents both archaeological excavation reports and comprehensive studies on the region and its connections with its neighboring countries.
Articles published in ‘Atiqot must comply with the chosen theme of a specific volume (see Call for Papers, below). ‘Atiqot will consider only original, unpublished articles, which were not submitted for publication elsewhere (see Ethical Statement, below).
Call for Papers
‘Atiqot topics are chosen by the journal’s Editorial Advisory Board. A Call for Papers is sent four times a year, about 12 months in advance of the prospected publication date of each volume. Researchers from Israel and abroad can respond to the Call for Papers and submit synthesis articles in compliance with the scope of the journal (see Aims and Scope, above). All articles undergo double-blind peer-review (see Double Peer-Review, below).
Double Peer-Review
‘Atiqot operates a two-stage peer-review process. All papers submitted to ‘Atiqot are sent to carefully selected reviewers (referees), who are asked to judge the validity, significance and originality of the work.
‘Atiqot attempts to make the peer-review and editorial process as rapid as possible. Authors may expect a two- to three-month interval between the submission of their paper and its reviewing. After responding to the reviewers’ questions/suggestions/comments, the article is forwarded to the IAA Publications Department for language editing (1 to 2 months) and preparation of illustrations for publication.
Open Access
All content published in ‘Atiqot is Open Access, providing free, immediate, online access to current archaeological research. This enables the articles to receive more citations and downloads, thus contributing to the ongoing learning and teaching of the archaeology of Israel.
‘Atiqot articles are also distributed to international digital libraries, such as JSTOR, EBSCO and PROQUEST, also Open Access, exposing the archaeological research to larger communities worldwide.
Publication Fees
Publishing in ‘Atiqot is free of charge.
Copyright and Licensing
‘Atiqot disseminates content under a Creative Commons Attribution license (CC-BY-NC). According to our CC-BY-NC license, you assign the Israel Antiquities Authority the right to:
- Publish your work online and in print.
- Process illustrations in accordance with the journal style.
- Distribute your work through third parties.
- Promote your work via social media and other media channels, such as television, radio, newspapers, etc.
As author(s) you are entitled to:
- Be credited as the author(s) of the article.
- Present the article in lectures, classes, meetings and conferences.
- Distribute copies of the article on a non-commercial basis.
- Post the article on a departmental, personal website or institutional repositories.
Ethical Statement
Authors must guarantee that their submitted work complies with the journal’s Author Guidelines and contains no material that may be considered libelous or infringing on the copyright of another party. This includes ensuring that they have the relevant approval for their study and the publication of related materials (photographs, maps, plans, tables etc.). The Ethical Statement provides editors, reviewers and readers with assurance that the submitted manuscript received this ethical oversight.