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Call for Papers

‘Atiqot 115
Rural Life in the Southern Levant

‘Atiqot 115 (June 2024) will focus on Rural Life in the Southern Levant. Despite their importance throughout the history of the Southern Levant, urban centers were only inhabited by a limited part of the population, while most of the population resided in the rural hinterland, in villages or in farms. The archaeology of rural sites and communities provides insights into daily life outside the urban sphere, tracing sustenance strategies, regional trade networks, production potential and political hegemony, as well as an understanding of the manner in which people related to their surroundings.

This volume will include final excavation reports and synthesis articles relating to rural life, with a particular focus on materials from villages and towns, shedding light on various topics, such as:

• Daily life outside the urban centers.
• Rural economies.
• Networks of villages and their relationship with urban centers.
• The position of villages and towns within the natural landscape.
• The agricultural hinterland.
• Rural involvement in urban cultic practices.

Papers should be prepared according to `Atiqot guidelines. Please submit your article by using this Google Form. Articles will be accepted until September 1, 2023. Authors will be notified of acceptance via email within a maximum of two months. For more information concerning the journal requirements or any other questions, please refer to the journal website ( or contact the Editorial Board: [email protected].

Future Issues, Topics and Revised Dates:

'Atiqot 115: Rural Life in the Southern Levant
Publication Date: August 2024
Final Date of Submission: February 1, 2024

'Atiqot 116: The Archaeology of Cult and Religion
Publication Date: December 2024
Final Date of Submission March 1, 2024

'Atiqot 117: The Archaeology of Death
Publication Date: April 2025
Final Date of Submission: April 1, 2024

'Atiqot 118: Ancient Industry, Production and Crafts
Publication Date: August 2025
Final Date of Submission: August 1, 2024

'Atiqot 119: Archaeological Investigation of Water and Its Importance
Publication Date: December 2025
Final Date of Submission: December 1, 2024

The Editorial Board