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‘Atiqot 66 (2011)
ISBN 2948-040X
Crusader Remains in the Muristan, Old City of Jerusalem: A Decade of Archaeological Gleanings
(pp. 137–153)
Amit Re’em, Jon Seligman, Zubair ‘Adawi and Rafeh Abu Raya
Keywords: Crusaders, medieval period, architecture, Christianity
The Muristan is located in the heart of the Christian quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem. During the twelfth century CE the area was given to the Hospitaller Order of St. John, and it included the following major buildings: a hospital, ecclesiastical buildings and various large secular buildings. During excavations at the site, remains pertaining to these architectural units were discovered, including massive piers and ashlars, displaying typical Crusader diagonal tool marks, and stones bearing mason's marks. The meager finds from these excavations are an important contribution to the reconstruction of the Hospitaller Quarter of Jerusalem during the twelfth century CE.