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‘Atiqot 58 (2008)
ISBN 2948-040X
Pottery Production at Horbat Rodem near Bet She’an
(pp. 37*–46*)
Karen Covello-Paran and Dina Avshalom-Gorni
Keywords: ceramics, industry, marketing
The site is located north of Bet She’an and sits on brown basaltic soil. Two occupational layers were revealed, dating from the Late Hellenistic–Early Roman (Stratum II) and the Late Roman–Early Byzantine (Stratum I) periods. Most of the potsherds retrieved were attributed to the later phase. A study of the frequency of the pottery types indicates that a workshop operated at the site, specializing in the production of storage vessels. As few analogous vessels are known from contemporary sites outside of Bet She’an, it would seem that the urban center at Bet She’an was large enough to support the pottery workshop at Horbat Rodem.