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‘Atiqot 78 (2014)
ISBN 2948-040X
Coins from the al-Wata Quarter, Safed (Zefat)
(pp. 159–160)
Ariel Berman
Keywords: Galilee, numismatics
The excavations in the Hâret al-Wata quarter in Safed (Zefat) yielded a few out-of-context finds: a Late Roman coin from the fourth century, a Fatimid silver coin from the eleventh century, and a single Ayyūbid copper coin from the end of the twelfth century. Seven copper
, minted at Dimashq and Iskandariya, represent the main Mamlūk period of the site (thirteenth–fifteenth centuries CE). Five copper
, minted at Dimashq and Egypt in the sixteenth century, represent a relatively short phase during the early Ottoman period.