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‘Atiqot 67 (2011)
ISBN 2948-040X
Nahal Yarmut: A Late Pottery Neolithic Site of the Wadi Rabah Culture, South of Nahal Soreq
(pp. 1*–29*)
Hamoudi Khalaily
Keywords: flint industry, decorated pottery, groundstone artifacts, bone tools, beads
The Wadi Rabah site of Nahal Yarmut is located on the southern bank of the Yarmut streambed, near Ramat Bet Shemesh Junction. The excavation unearthed a thick occupation layer rich in pottery and flint artifacts, all attributed to the Late Pottery Neolithic period. The architectural elements included pits and a rectangular structure. The flint assemblage was produced on-site from locally acquired material. This site provided valuable data concerning the presence of a Late Neolithic (Wadi Rabah) settlement in the Shephelah region.