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‘Atiqot 87 (2016)
ISBN 2948-040X
Architectural Analysis of the Flour-Mill Compound in the Ridwan Gardens, ‘Akko
(Hebrew, pp. 141*–157*; English summary, pp. 116–118)
Amir Freundlich
Keywords: Na’aman marshes, technology, terminology, installation, numismatics, Baha-Ullah House, aruba, miglash
In the course of conservation works carried out in the flour-mill compound in ‘Akko, the remains of the mills were documented and their various elements and methods of operation were studied. An analysis of the water-powered technology indicated that the mills were operated by the slanting-chute technology. The water from Nahal Na‘aman was conveyed to the mills by channels. These mills are part of the flour-production industry that flourished in the country during the Ottoman period.