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'Atiqot 88 (2017)
ISBN 2948-040X
An Intermediate Bronze Age Presence at Tel Yizra‘’el
(with a contribution by Ofer Marder and Howard Smithline)
(pp. 1–16)
Howard Smithline
Keywords: Jezreel Valley, northern ceramic group, bone, stone, Khirbet Kerak Ware
Excavations on the eastern slope of Tel Yizra‘’el, near the spring of ‘En Yizra‘’el, revealed two periods, represented mainly by ceramic finds: the Intermediate Bronze Age, and, to a lesser extent, Early Bronze Age III. The discovery of an Intermediate Bronze Age habitation at Tel Yizra‘’el fills a lacuna in the Intermediate Bronze Age settlement pattern on the western foothills of Mt. Gilboa, at the south–central approach to the Jezreel Valley.