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'Atiqot 88 (2017)
ISBN 2948-040X
Intermediate and Middle Bronze Age Burial Cave 900 in Nahal Refa’im, Jerusalem
(pp. 17–32)
Shlomit Weksler-Bdolah
Keywords: burial, cemetery, primary burial, secondary burial, burial goods, physical anthropology, archaeozoology, ceremony
Burial Cave 900 in Nahal Refa’im, Jerusalem, exposed two main burial phases: the early phase dated to the Intermediate Bronze Age and the later, to Middle Bronze Age II. The finds from the Intermediate Bronze Age layer included the bones of a single individual and several pottery vessels. Above this layer were two MB II burial levels: the early level included the remains of 12 individuals, attesting to a multiple burial, and the later level comprised seven burial groups, each representing the secondary burial of one individual and his personal items, as well as animal bones.