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'Atiqot 88 (2017)
ISBN 2948-040X
A Cache of Iron Quarrying Tools from Excavations near Jerusalem’s Third Wall
(Hebrew, pp. 1*–8*; English summary, pp. 153–154)
Shlomit Weksler-Bdolah
Keywords: Second Temple period, quarry, technology, stone cutting
A group of quarrying tools was recovered from Area B of the Third Wall excavations, approximately 400 m northwest of Damascus Gate, Jerusalem. The tools were found side-by-side, one atop the other, and therefore, seem to be part of a stonemason’s tool kit. Among the tools are splitting wedges and wedge slats. This is the first time that so large a group of ancient quarrying tools has been exposed in situ in an archaeological excavation. The tools were probably used in a quarry dating to the Second Temple period.