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'Atiqot 88 (2017)
ISBN 2948-040X
Pottery from the “Ganor Compound,” Yafo (Jaffa)
(Hebrew, pp. 85*–96*; English summary, p. 161)
Aviva Bouchenino and Eriola Jakoel
Keywords: Jaffa, typology, trade
Excavations in the “Ganor Compound” in Yafo exposed potsherds from the Early Islamic (eighth–eleventh centuries CE) to the end of the Crusader (twelfth–thirteenth centuries CE) periods. The Early Islamic pottery includes glazed bowls, kraters, a cooking pot, a jar, jugs and amphoriskoi; a stone-bowl handle was also found. The ceramic assemblage from the Crusader period consists of two main groups: local and imported vessels. The local pottery includes glazed and unglazed bowls, a krater, cooking pots, frying pans, a table amphora, jugs, a juglet and oil lamps. The imported vessels attest to flourishing trade between the city port of Yafo and the Byzantine Empire, the Principality of Antioch, Cyprus, the Aegean Sea, and possibly, Egypt.