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‘Atiqot 92 (2018)
ISBN 2948-040X
Remains from the Roman until the Crusader Periods in Tiberias, Aviv Hotel
(with a contribution by Yael Gorin-Rosen)
(Hebrew, pp. 63*–88*; English summary, pp. 231–233)
Oren Zingboym, Aharon Amitai and Dina Avshalom-Gorni
Keywords: architecture, city limits, imported pottery, typology, water supply
Two excavation areas (A, B) were opened in the precincts of the Aviv Hotel in Tiberias. Five strata were identified: architectural remains from the Roman period (Stratum 5; 50 BCE–late third century CE); part of a mosaic pavement, the remains of a building and a plastered pool from the Byzantine–Umayyad periods (Stratum 4; fourth–eighth centuries CE); wall segments from the Abbasid period (Stratum 3; ninth–eleventh centuries CE); a reservoir and the corner of a building from the Crusader period (Stratum 2; twelfth–thirteenth centuries CE); and remains of a modern building and refuse (Stratum 1; twentieth century). The finds included pottery vessels, coins and glass fragments from the Roman to the Crusader periods.