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‘Atiqot 100 (2020)
ISBN 2948-040X
Glass Vessels from the Roman, Byzantine and Abbasid Periods at the French Hospital Compound, Yafo (Jaffa)
(pp. 211–220)
Brigitte Ouahnouna
Keywords: glass production, local workshops
About 110 glass fragments were recovered from the burials within the French Hospital Compound, half of which were identified and attributed to three main periods: Roman, Byzantine and Abbasid. The finds primarily consist of bowls and bottles, plain or decorated, contributing to the heretofore known glass-vessel repertoire of Yafo. Only one candlestick-type bottle was attributed to the Roman period. The vessels from the Byzantine period were well-preserved and included an uncommon mold-blown decorated bottle. The vessels from the Abbasid period belong to types well-known in the eastern Mediterranean during this period.