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‘Atiqot 100 (2020)
ISBN 2948-040X
Faunal Remains from the French Hospital Compound, Yafo (Jaffa)
(Hebrew, pp. 45*–48*; English summary, p. 539)
Nuha Agha
Keywords: ethnicity, population
The bone assemblage includes 94 animal bones, which were identified by taxon, species and size range. Most of the identified bones were discovered in installations and buildings dated to the Abbasid period. Other bones were retrieved from installations dated to the Persian, Late Roman and Crusader periods. The bone assemblage of the Abbasid period is particularly rich and comprises the remains of sheep/goats, pigs, cats, equids and mountain gazelle. The birds include chicken, rock partridge and gull. Three fish bones and a scale of a tortoise shell were also found.