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‘Atiqot 100 (2020)
ISBN 2948-040X
Remains from the Hellenistic through the Late Ottoman–British Mandate Periods in the Magen Avraham Compound, Yafo (Jaffa)
(pp. 245–277)
Yoav Arbel and Lior Rauchberger
Keywords: fauna, agriculture, numismatics, urban expansion
The excavation in the Magen Avraham Compound exposed the remains of Yafo’s agricultural hinterland during the Hellenistic, Byzantine and Crusader periods. Seven strata were exposed, including a single Hellenistic-period wall, a Byzantine-period industrial (wine?) press of unusual size, Ottoman-period graves, a large late Ottoman-period well house and an irrigation channel. Most of the pottery found in fill accumulations throughout the compound dated to the Byzantine period, including mainly storage jars. Small ceramic assemblages from the Hellenistic, Roman, Early Islamic and Crusader periods, mostly unrelated to structures, were also found. The structures uncovered here furnish important insights regarding the historical development of Yafo and its agricultural hinterland.