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‘Atiqot 100 (2020)
ISBN 2948-040X
Pottery Vessels and Oil Lamps from the Iron Age, Persian, Hellenistic, Roman and Byzantine Periods from Ben Gamli’el Street, Yafo (Jaffa)
(pp. 403–435)
Peter Gendelman
Keywords: workshops, trade, Asia Minor, Attica, Eshumun’azar inscription
A large pottery assemblage dating from the late Iron Age to the Byzantine period was uncovered on Ben Gamli’el Street. Most of the pottery vessels and oil lamps date to the Persian and Hellenistic periods, including a terracotta figurine of the Hellenistic period. Among the finds are many imported vessels from various workshops, reflecting the role of Yafo as one of the major port cities in the region during the Persian and Hellenistic periods.