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‘Atiqot 101 (2020)
ISBN 2948-040X
Roman-Period Wall Paintings from the Western Quarter at Gamla
(pp. 83–120)
Yoav Farhi and Lena Naama Sharabi
Keywords: Golan Heights, fresco, secco, technique, art, Roman architecture, Pompeian styles
The colored wall-painting fragments presented in this article were retrieved from the Western Quarter at Gamla. The fragments are of excellent quality, most of them colored red, yellow-ochre and green, often bordered by black or red bands. Several patterns were noticed among the fragments: molding and marble imitations, geometric patterns, meanders, vegetation, thin pilasters and decorative borders. These fresco and secco fragments complement the previously published stucco fragments from Gamla and serve an important role in the reconstruction of the decorative schemes of the houses.