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‘Atiqot 104 (2021)
ISBN 2948-040X
A Middle Bronze Age II Burial Cave at Mazor (West)
(with contributions by Yossi Nagar, Liora K. Horwitz)
(pp. 37–73)
Lilly Gershuny and Ianir Milevski
Keywords: multiple burial, funerary goods, anthropology, Tell el-Yahudiyeh juglet
A Middle Bronze Age II burial cave, reusing a Chalcolithic burial cave, was discovered during excavations carried out at Mazor (West). The Middle Bronze Age remains accumulated above the cave’s bedrock floor, utilizing the entire space. Seven individuals were discovered and about 50 intact or restorable MB II pottery vessels were retrieved, as well as three metal pins, three flint items and animal bones. It is probable that the cave, and other MB II sites in its vicinity, belonged to a system of villages and associated mortuary grounds, which were related to the main urban center at Tel Afeq.