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‘Atiqot 107 (2022)
ISBN 2948-040X
Evidence of a Late Byzantine Period Earthquake and a Monastic Stable at ‘Avedat (Oboda)
(with a contribution by Yael Gorin-Rosen)
(pp. 153–197)
Tali Erickson-Gini
Keywords: seismic event, marble paten, church, baking oven, cross
Three excavation areas were opened in ‘Avedat National Park, revealing important evidence regarding the effects of earthquakes on the Byzantine-period occupation at the site. In Area B, near the South Church, rooms were added on the exterior of an earlier building in the early fifth century CE, next to a heavy revetment wall. The exterior of a wall covered with red-painted (dipiniti) Christian motifs was uncovered in front of a cave, pointing to its use as a stable by a monastic community. It seems that this wall underwent structural damage, probably due to the early fifth-century CE earthquake. The site was destroyed by an earthquake at the end of the late Byzantine period, presumably in the first half of the seventh century CE.