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‘Atiqot 107 (2022)
ISBN 2948-040X
A Byzantine Rural Complex with an Olive Press and an Umayyad Farmhouse on the Banks of Nahׅal ‘Anava, Modi‘in
(pp. 199–240)
Avraham S. Tendler and Hagit Torge
Keywords: lever-and-screw press, stable, Christianity, ancient road
The excavations on the banks of Nahׅal ‘Anava, Modi‘in, unearthed the remains of a Byzantine (sixth century CE) rural agricultural estate, comprising an olive press installed in a natural cave and an ashlar building, and a later Umayyad-period farmhouse (seventh to mid-eighth centuries CE). The pottery finds reflect three architectural phases: the Byzantine-period construction phase; the collapse of the cave’s ceiling and destruction of the installations; and the Umayyad-period farmhouse.