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‘Atiqot 111 (2023)
ISBN 2948-040X
The Elusive Fortifications of Yafo (Jaffa)
(pp. 277-300)
Yoav Arbel
Keywords: Jaffa, fortifications, urban development, mapping, reconstruction
The port city of Yafo was fortified during much of its four millennia of existence. However, today, even its most recent Ottoman walls are dismantled, and only fragmentary parts of its earlier fortifications have been traced despite decades of research and salvage excavations on the mound and its environs. These limited discoveries cannot provide a comprehensive delineation of any pre-Ottoman defensive lines. Nevertheless, new discoveries, the mapping of scattered sites, comparative observations and consultation with historical sources can shed some light on Yafo’s otherwise obscure fortifications through its many phases, as well as on various related issues. Through these we may gain new perspectives and a better understanding of the convoluted history of this ancient port.