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‘Atiqot 70 (2012)
ISBN 2948-040X
The Aqueducts of Nahal Bet Ha-‘Emeq
(pp. 1*–19*)
Rafael Frankel
Keywords: Galilee, water systems, agriculture, technology, daggers, industry, burial
Remains of three parallel aqueducts (A–C) were found over a distance of about 6 km along Nahal Bet Ha-‘Emeq. Aqueduct A is partly a tunnel with vertical shafts and partly a channel; Aqueduct B is a wide channel; and Aqueduct C is a narrow channel. Sections of the tunnels were completely filled with soil, while others were empty. The ceramic evidence suggests that Aqueducts A and C were hewn in the Hellenistic period, while Aqueduct B could be slightly later. After the aqueducts were abandoned, the region was terraced for agricultural use. In addition to the three aqueducts, a shaft tomb from the Intermediate Bronze Age and two winepresses were uncovered during the excavation.