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‘Atiqot 61 (2009)
ISBN 2948-040X
Two Horn-Shaped Glass Vessels from the Ancient Cemetery at Migdal Ha-‘Emeq
(pp. 123–126)
Yael Gorin-Rosen
Keywords: Roman period, early Byzantine period, glass production, Syro-Palestinian workshops
Two horn-shaped vessels, recovered from the Migdal Ha-‘Emeq caves, represent a rare type that was here-to-far known only from collections around the world. Both horns are mold-blown, decorated with ribbing, dating from the fourth to the early fifth centuries CE. As these horns were found
in situ
, they were dated both on the basis of their typology and archaeological context. It is suggested that the horn-shaped vessels were locally produced in a glass workshop situated in the Lower Galilee.