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‘Atiqot 60 (2008)
ISBN 2948-040X
The Early Bronze Age Site of Ashqelon, Afridar—Area M
(with contributions by Hamoudi Khalaily, Moshe Sade and Elisabetta Boaretto)
(pp. 19–51)
Amir Golani
Keywords: domestic architecture, flint industry, copper processing
Two strata dating to Early Bronze Age IA were discerned in Area M in the Afridar neighborhood at Ashqelon. Both EB IA strata revealed settlement remains, featuring typical curvilinear architecture; however, the earlier buildings were built of stone, while the later ones were made of mudbricks. The Stratum I habitation level contained several copper-melting installations. The pottery assemblage is characteristic of EB IA in southwestern Canaan, including V-shaped bowls and holemouth jars. Also found were ground-stone artifacts and flint tools, dominated by the Canaanean Industry.