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‘Atiqot 67 (2011) EISSN 2948-040X
  • Front Matter
    Atiqot 67
    Keywords: Front Matter
  • Nahal Yarmut: A Late Pottery Neolithic Site of the Wadi Rabah Culture, South of Nahal Soreq  (pp. 1*–29*)
    Hamoudi Khalaily
    Keywords: flint industry, decorated pottery, groundstone artifacts, bone tools, beads
  • Seals and Figurines from the Beginning of the Early Chalcolithic Period at Ha-Gosherim  (Hebrew, pp. 1–26; English summary, pp. 81*–83*)
    Nimrod Getzov
    Keywords: Halaf culture, art, glyptics, symbolic iconography

  • The Rural Hinterland West of Tel Hazor  (Hebrew, pp. 27–39; English summary, pp. 84*–85*) 
    Edna Amos and Nimrod Getzov
    Keywords: industry, winepress typology, cemetery, hinterland
  • An Iron Age II Dwelling Cave on the Mount of Olives, Jerusalem  (Hebrew, pp. 41–59; English summary, pp. 86*–87*)
    Nurit Feig
    Keywords: Iron Age Jerusalem, cave dwelling, storehouse
  • An Iron Age and Hellenistic-Period Site near Be’er Sheva‘ (with a contribution by Moshe Sade)  (Hebrew, pp. 61–80; English summary, p. 88*) 
    Yigal Israel and Oded Feder
    Keywords: Be’er Sheba‘ Valley, subterranean settlement
  • Byzantine-Period and Later Remains at Horbat Massah  (Hebrew, pp. 81–90; English summary, pp. 89*–90*)
    Danny Syon
    Keywords: Christianity, numismatics, olive-oil press, Chalcolithic period
  • A Late Tenth-Century Fatimid Coin Purse from Bet She’an  (pp. 31*–41*)
    Robert Kool, Ariel Berman, Orit Shamir and Yotam Tepper
    Keywords: numismatics, medieval textiles, bleached linen
  • Remains of Buildings and Workshop Stores(?) from the Mamluk and Ottoman Periods on the Outskirts of Ramla  (Hebrew, pp. 91–118; English summary, pp. 91*–92*)
    Hagit Torge
    Keywords: Crusader period, faience vessels, numismatics, Carbon-14
    • Ottoman Clay Tobacco Pipes from Ramla  (pp. 43*–53*)
      Anna de Vincenz
      Keywords: pipe smoking, chibouks, epigraphy
    • Coins from the Mamluk and Ottoman Periods at Ramla  (pp. 55*–60*)
      Robert Kool and Ariel Berman
      Keywords: numismatics
  • A Soap-Production Factory from the Ottoman Period in Sūq al-Fakhir, the Old City of Jerusalem  (Hebrew, pp. 119–138; English summary, pp. 93*–94*)
    Tawfiq Da‘adli
    Keywords: Ottoman Jerusalem, soap industry, Via Dolorosa
  • The Bone and Horn Industry in Late Ottoman Nazareth: The Evidence from Shihab ad-Din  (pp. 61*–80*)
    Noa Raban-Gerstel, Guy Bar-Oz and Yotam Tepper
    Keywords: Mamluk period, Crusader period, Ottoman period, economy, bone workshop, fauna, archaeozoology