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‘Atiqot 111 (2023) EISSN 2948-040X
The Science of Ancient Warfare and Defense
  • Front Matter & Editorial
    Atiqot 111
    Keywords: Front Matter & Editorial
  • Up in Arms: Slingstone Assemblages from the Late Prehistoric Sites of ‘En Ẓippori and ‘En Esur (pp. 1-22)
    Gil Haklay, Hendrik (Enno) Bron, Dina Shalem, Ianir Milevski and Nimrod Getzov
    Keywords: Late Pottery Neolithic, Early Chalcolithic, Southern Levant, ‘En Ẓippori, ‘En Esur, slingstones, warfare
  • Hematite Mace-Heads: A Specialized Craft Unique to the Late Chalcolithic Period (pp. 23-62)
    Michael Sebbane
    Keywords: mace, mace-head, Late Chalcolithic period, hematite, iron-oxide
  • Weapons, Warrior Burials and Agency in the Intermediate Bronze Age Southern Levant: Some Theoretical Observations (pp. 63-71)
    Naama Walzer and Yitzhak Paz
    Keywords: Intermediate Bronze Age, weapons, warrior burials, warriorhood, agency
  • The Fortifications of Tel Burna: A Reappraisal after Twelve Seasons of Excavations (2010–2022) (pp. 73-102)
    Aharon Tavger, Chris McKinny, Deborah Cassuto, Jane Gaastra, Steven Ortiz and Itzhaq Shai
    Keywords: Tel Burna, Shephelah, Kingdom of Judah, Iron Age, Casemate fortifications, glacis, Sennacherib campaign
  • Evidence of the Roman Attack on the Third Wall of Jerusalem at the End of the Second Temple Period (pp. 103-118)
    Kfir Arbiv
    Keywords: Second Temple, Third Wall, Second Wall, Roman Legion, battlefield, weapons, ballista, stone projectiles, battering ram, rampart
  • Were There Jewish Gladiators? A Re-Evaluation of the Available Archaeological and Textual Evidence (pp. 119-147)
    Haggai Olshanetsky
    Keywords: Jews, gladiators, Judaism, arena, Colosseum, Roman Games
  • The Principia of the Sixth Legion at Legio/Caparcotani: Ground Penetrating Radar and Excavations in a Legionary Base (pp. 149-174)
    Yotam Tepper, Matthew J. Adams and Eileen Ernenwein
    Keywords: Roman archaeology; Roman army; legionary bases in the eastern provinces; Legio VI Ferrata; Legio II Trajana; Legio-Caparcotani; principia
  • Power and Control in Crusader Acre (‘Akko): The Fortifications of the Genoese Quarter (pp. 175-209)
    Edna J. Stern, Eliezer Stern and Fabrizio Benente
    Keywords: Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem, Crusader Acre, Genoese Quarter, fortifications, War of Saint Sabas, medieval Mediterranean, Genoa, Venice, Pisa
  • The Old Sword and the Sea: A Medieval European Sword Off the Coast of Newe-Yam (pp. 211-228)
    Joppe Gosker, Jacob Sharvit, Izhak Hershko, Dan Braitman and Yotam Asscher
    Keywords: Medieval swords, Crusades, Kingdom of Jerusalem, underwater archaeology, iron corrosion, X-ray radiography
  • A Methodological Framework for the Archaeology of Conflicts in the Southern Levant, and the Battle of Hattin (July 3–4, 1187) (pp. 229-258)
    Rafael Y. Lewis
    Keywords: Hattin, Landscape Archaeology, Battlefields, Conflicts, Methodological Framework
  • Trebuchets Were Not Siege Guns, So Why Use Them? (pp. 259-275)
    Michael S. Fulton
    Keywords: Artillery, trebuchet, siege warfare, crusades, castles
  • The Elusive Fortifications of Yafo (Jaffa) (pp. 277-300)
    Yoav Arbel
    Keywords: Jaffa, fortifications, urban development, mapping, reconstruction
  • The Late Bronze Age III (Iron Age IA) Gal’on Fortress in the Shephelah (pp. 301-358)
    Saar Ganor and Itamar Weissbein
    Keywords: Lakhish, city-state, fortress, governors’ residency, Philistines, Egypt, military
  • The Iron Age Inner City Gate and Gate Shrine at Tel Lakhish (Lachish) (pp. 359-405)
    Saar Ganor and Igor Kreimerman
    Keywords: city gate, cult, Sennacherib, Hezekiah, arrowheads, slingstones
  • A Ravelin Outwork Uncovered in the Ottoman Fortifications of the Old City of ‘Akko (pp. 407-445)
    Joppe Gosker
    Keywords: Acre, Ottoman period, Galilee, fortifications, Al Jazzâr Pasha, Louis XIV
    • A Hellenistic Scale Weight from ‘Akko (pp. 447-459)
      Gerald Finkielsztejn
      Keywords: Acre, Hellenistic period, weight, lead, metrology