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‘Atiqot 86 (2016)
ISBN 2948-040X
The Glass Finds from ‘En Marzev
(Hebrew, pp. 83*–98*; English, p. 117)
Ayala Lester
Keywords: Early Islamic period, technology, industry, glass workshop
The glass finds from ‘En Marzev, mostly free-blown, were found alongside pottery, steatite vessels, coins and metal artifacts dating to the seventh–eighth centuries CE. The assemblage comprises bowls, bottles, oil lamps, a wineglass and several windowpane fragments. Also found were remains pointing to a local glass production: glass slags; fragments of the walls of a glass furnace; and two fragments of distorted vessels. The glass vessels date from the late Byzantine period, around 650 CE, to the first decades of the Abbasid period, c. 750–780 CE.