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‘Atiqot 103 (2021)
ISBN 2948-040X
An Early Bronze Age I Site at Ashqelon, Afridar (Area E-2)
(pp. 45–89)
Amir Golani and Nir Shimshon Paran
Keywords: southern coastal plain, archaeobotanical remains, terre pisée, radiocarbon dating, metal objects, burial, fauna
Excavation within the Early Bronze Age I Site at Ashqelon exposed two EB I occupation strata (III–II). The Stratum III remains consist of disjointed fragments of mud-brick architecture and several pits. The main architectural features in Stratum II include a large architectural complex, probably part of an enclosure, and several pits. The ceramic assemblage of both Strata III and II is associated with the early stages of EB I (EB IA). The intra-site infant burial discovered in the excavation conforms well with other infant burials previously documented at EB I Ashqelon. The ceramic, flint, groundstone, malacological and faunal remains indicate a continuation of the cultural traits from the Chalcolithic period, which is characteristic of EB IA in southwestern Canaan.